2019 年ハワイサマーインターン生 リリアン・マキンタイヤー
Hello! I’m Lillian McIntyre. I was born in Alaska, but I’m currently at the University of Hawaii. My majors are Japanese and art. What lead me to study Japanese was, something I’m sure that you’re all familiar with, the famous Pokémon series. In high school I taught English to high school students from Kobe, and then in college I used a significant amount of Japanese for a volunteer project to protect sea turtles, and I want to continue to polish my Japanese from here on. Being able to come to Ehime now is a huge chance for me.
In regard to art, I’m studying traditional Italian oil painting as well as more modern digital paint. My portfolio can be found here: www.theorangelord.com
As for what I want to do in Matsuyama, personally, I want to draw various different places. I actually bought a new sketchbook, so I want to fill it up with what I experience here in Ehime. For example, I want to draw the park around Matsuyama Castle that I can see from my apartment, and I want to draw the older buildings in the city that are not particularly well-known. As an intern from Hawaii, I want to bring knowledge about Hawaii’s seaweed. There are over 20 types of Hawaiian seaweed. They’re used normally in Hawaiian cuisine, but there are also special uses for it. For example, there is a ceremony where when someone in a family does something bad, the guilty party gathers seaweed, then everyone gathers in a home and eats kala limu and forgives and resolves the wrongs that were committed. This is a very unique usage, so I wanted to introduce it.
When I think of the responsibilities of an intern from Hawaii, it makes me want to work together with everyone.
It’s nice to meet you!
2019年度ハワイサマーインターン生 ジョセフ・井芹
Aloha! I am Joe Iseri. As a second year student, I am currently studying Japanese pedagogy in the Japanese section at the University of Hawaʻi at Mānoa. In the future, I aspire to work at my alma mater, Kamehameha Schools, as a Japanese language teacher.
My hometown is Kāneʻohe on ʻOahu island, Hawaiʻi. Kāneʻohe is more out in the country than in the city, so I love the countryside. During my stay here in Japan, I’m looking forward to going to popular tourist spots in Ehime, listening to Japan-famous rakugo, and visiting the Hiroshima Peace Memorial.
The Kamehameha Schools, my high school, was established in 1887 by the will of the great-granddaughter of Kamehameha the Great, Princess Bernice Pauahi. Princess Pauahi was the last remaining royal descendant of the Kamehameha family. As such, she owned a lot of the land of the Kamehameha Kingdom at the time of her death. She believed that education was the most important thing for the future of Hawai’i, and thusly bequeathed her land for the use for and by the children of Hawaiian families.
At Kamehameha, I learned how we, as Hawaiians, should protect and perpetuate our culture and language. I want to work hard this summer to use the knowledge I’ve gained at Kamehameha to help everyone know more about Hawaiʻi’s language and culture. Further, I look forward to learning more about Japan’s culture and history, as well as specifically about Ehime’s unique elements.
ユニセフのつどい2019~こんにちはユニセフです~ 参加者募集!
■日 時:6月29日(土)10:00~15:00
■場 所:いよてつ高島屋 8階スカイドーム(住所:松山市湊町5丁目1-1)
■内 容:体験参加型の各ブース
■参 加 費:無料
TEL/FAX: 089-931-5369
E-mail: unicef_ehime★yahoo.co.jp ※★を@に変えてください。
2019(令和元)年度日本語教育学会春季大会参加報告会 開催!
■日 時:6月9日(日)15:00~16:00
■会 場:愛媛大学城北キャンパス 愛大ミューズ2階 多目的交流室
※交通アクセス: https://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/overview/access/johoku/
※キャンパスマップ: https://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/johoku_1.pdf
■内 容:
■参 加 費:無料
★問い合わせ先:E-mail: takahashi.shino.mm★ehime-u.ac.jp(髙橋) ※★を@に変えてください。
Studying Japanese at MIC
This class will teach immediately useable Japanese to foreigners who have recently come to Japan.
Hiragana and Katakana will also be taught.
A theme will be decided upon and discussed.
■Period:10 Saturdays from 5/18(Sat)- 7/20(Sat)
■Time: 13:30 - 15:30
■Place:COMS Meeting room
■Address: 6-Chome, Sanbancho, Matsuyama
■Applicable Participants: Foreigners who have recently come to Japan
■Capacity:30 participants ※First-come first-serve basis
★E-mail: mail★mic.ehime.jp ※Please change ★ into @ when you contact us.
■日 時:6月5日(水)、19日(水)、26日(水) 10:30~11:30
■場 所:愛媛県国際交流センター(住所:松山市道後一万1-1)
■費 用:無料、事前予約は必要ありません。
TEL: 089-917-5678(愛媛県国際交流センター)
E-mail: leeyumi0506★gmail.com(李) ※★を@に変えてください。
Do you have a problem? (Notice from Administrative Counseling Center)
When you have a complaint, opinion or request regarding government services, operations or procedures, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Administrative counseling will provide useful advice on a various range of matters, for example:
Windows for counceling : I have no idea where best to go for the necessary procedures or for advice.
Employment : I am imposed to work long hours. I'd like to revise my working conditions and working hours.
Immigrantion : I have applied for a Certificate of Eligibility for my stay but have been kept waiting a long time. What should I do?
Medical insurance/Pension : Please let me know the qualification requirements and benefits of the Japanese National Pension and Medical Insurance system.
Road : I can't read road-signs at junctions which are written only
in Kanji, I wish that a romanised version could be added...
Your question, inquiry, complaint related to government administration
will be received at kikumimi.japan@soumu.go.jp (English only)
*Please do not attach any files or URLs into your mails, as this will require us to perforom extra security checks, causing delays in replying to your mails.
外国人サポーター登録説明会 開催!
■日 時:5月17日(金)19:00~20:00
■場 所:今治市庁舎第3別館1階会議室
TEL: 0898-34-5763 E-mail: info★iciea.jp ※★を@に変えてください。
「ICIEA 初級から学べる英会話講座」 参加者募集!
■期 間:6月~11月 ※全12回(ただし講座(4)は4回のみ)
■ク ラ ス:(1)65才からの超初級英会話
13:00~14:00 第1・第3月曜日
13:30~14:30 第1・第3火曜日
13:30~14:30 第1・第3木曜日
19:00~20:00 第1・第3火曜日
20:10~21:10 第1・第3火曜日
■場 所:今治市庁舎第3別館 第1・第2会議室(旧今治小学校)
■対 象:今治市国際交流協会 一般会員・団体会員
TEL: 0898-34-5763 E-mail: info★iciea.jp ※★を@に変えてください。
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