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秋のバーベキューパーティ 開催!Barbeque Picnic in Asakura!


■日  時:11月18日(日)11:00~14:00
■場  所:朝倉ダム湖畔 緑水公園
■参 加 費:会員 1,000円、一般 1,800円
小学生 1,000円、外国人とそのご家族 800円
TEL&FAX: 0898-34-5763
E-mail: info★iciea.jp ※★を@に変えてください。

ICIEA is holding its annual popular BBQ picnic in Asakura.
Participants will be able to enjoy a delicious barbevue meal in beautiful surroudings while listening to fun bluegrass music!

■Date: November 18th, Sun, 11:00 to 14:00
■Venue: Asakura Ryokusui Park
■Fee: ICIEA members or elementary school students 1,000 yen
Non-members 1,800 yen
International community 800 yen
■Number: 100 people *first come, first serve.
■Deadline: Nobemver 14th, Wed.
■Note: We can provide a ride from Imabari station.
★Contact: ICIEA at info★iciea.jp ※Please change ★ into @ when you send an e-mail us.

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