EPIC 公益財団法人愛媛県国際交流協会
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EPICへ行こうよ! えひめの国際交流団体 在県外国人支援 総合学習(国際理解)支援情報 JICA国際協力推進員 海外へ飛びだそう! 愛媛ハワイ姉妹校流
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はじめまして。ハワイ大学の四年生ドノバン ゴトウです。愛媛に来るのは三回目です。専門は日本語です。中学生の時野球の試合で参加しに来ました。愛媛でたくさん友達を作りたいと思います。よろしくお願いします。

■6月4日 宇和島南中等学校

After we visited Uwajima Suisan High School, we went to Uwajima Minami Junior High School. This was a special visit for me because I had done an exchange program with the students there when I was in the 8th grade. It was very nostalgic being there again. We met with the school’s principal and then I got to meet my host sister from 8 years ago. She is currently a student teacher there. It was amazing that I was able to meet her again after all these years. After our visit with the school’s principal, we went to the classroom and gave our presentation. The students were a bit shy just like the Suisan boys but they were good sports. I was really happy that I could visit Uwajima Minami Junior High School and share Hawaii culture with them.


After we visited the Uwajima Suisan High school, we visited the Minami High School. I felt more confident after having done the presentation once before. There were more students this time, but there were no camera crews recording us, so I was a lot more at ease this time around. There is always one student in the crowd that gets more involved and is more outgoing than the others, and it helped both times to have that one student who got the others involved. I could tell that a number of students were not particularly interested in dancing hula, but by the time we finished teaching them the dance, they seemed happy to have done it. We got into two groups and answered some questions after our presentation, and they seemed very shy. They did not want to talk directly to me, but instead, spoke to the JET teacher and she spoke to me. Regardless, they were very sweet and I enjoyed teaching them.

■6月4日 宇和島水産高等学校

This was my second visit to Suisan High School and the memorial. We were quite nervous as it was the first school we gave our presentation at. The media was also there, which added to our nervousness. The Suisan high school boys were very quiet in the beginning and did not seem to understand a lot of English. However, they were very attentive. At first, when we tried to teach them “Hukilau”, they seemed adamant in not wanting to participate because they were so embarrassed. However, they tried it and did a good job. I think that the boys did very well considering they did not understand much English. I’m really glad that we were able to give this presentation at Uwajima Suisan High School. I came here 8 years ago as a middle school student through an exchange with Uwajima Minami Jr. High School and felt a connection with Uwajima. After our presentation, we offered flowers at the memorial in front of the school as I did 8 years ago.

The Ehime-maru incident was a terrible tragedy and those lives should not be forgotten. Because of this tragedy, a huge effort has been made to bring the people of Ehime and Hawaii together. In effect, many friendships and cultural exchanges have been made, thanks to the Ehime government, the Center of Japanese Studies at the University of Hawaii, and the Japan-America Society of Hawaii. I hope to further strengthen the bonds between Ehime and Hawaii.


On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, we visited two Uwajima high schools. The first was Uwajima Suisan High School, the school that was directly affected by the Ehime Maru accident. When we first arrived, there were cameras and newspaper journalists recording our every move. When we got set up in the classroom, we started our presentation. Since this was the first school that we visited, we were not aware of their English skills and other than one student; I think most of the students were a little confused. I was really nervous about presenting because I had expected more students, and due to the language barrier, they did not seem particularly interested. When it got to the hula section, it seemed like most of the boys loosened up and enjoyed themselves. They followed along, and seemed as though they liked it. One student refused to dance, and just stood there, but it was okay. Afterwards, we were interviewed, and it was a bit overwhelming. We got through it, though, and later formally met the principal of the high school. The last thing we did was visit the memorial site. It was an interesting feeling to have visited the memorial in Hawai`i and then the memorial in Ehime. The tragedy that had occurred may have actually been a slight blessing in disguise as it has allowed students from Hawai`i to visit Ehime and learn about Japanese culture, as well as teach about Hawaiian culture.

■5月23日 知事表敬訪問

On May 23rd, Kama and I visited Ehime’s prefectural office. We met with Ehime’s governor, vice governors, and director of Ehime’s economic and labor department at each of their offices. We were quite nervous at first but were warmly welcomed by everyone and felt more at ease. We were treated to various drinks of Ehime that were very delicious. Everyone seems very excited for the Shimanami cycling event in October and advertised it to us. It’s a very long way from Ehime to Hiroshima and back but I think that I will try it before I leave. The last visit we made was to the director of Ehime’s economic and labor department. Before we left, we were asked to make the Shimanowa pose. It was a lot of fun. Our visit was short but it was a great experience. I hope we left good impressions of Hawaii.


On Friday, May 23, Rochelle and I went to the Ehime Prefectural Government building called Kencho. While there, we were afforded the opportunity of meeting the Governor, two Vice Governors, and the Director of Economic and Labor Development of Ehime. My first impression of our experience was how official our meeting was. We were taken to a number of rooms to wait for the officials to be ready. I had never met a government officer in Hawai’i so I was not aware of the precautions and measures taken in such a situation. Each person we met was very kind. They seemed happy to meet us and excited for our trip to Matsuyama. We gave them omiyage, and they returned the gesture. We received a pearl pin, a towel scarf, and chopsticks. They are very beautiful gifts. Each time we met a different official, we were treated to a new type of drink. There was regular orange juice, sparkling orange juice, salty orange juice, and tea. I very much enjoyed tasting the different orange juices. I appreciated the officials’ sharing their experience and recommendations about Matsuyama. We were told about the bridges and they promoted cycling. We were also told about Nametoko and its water slide. They seemed a lot less serious than I had assumed they were. A lot of pictures were taken and they were very nice about it. It was definitely an incredible experience.

   2014年ハワイサマーインターン生 カマロロ・カマリイエコル・コアヌイーコン


   2014年ハワイサマーインターン生 ロシェル・ミア・オハタ


■7月28日 ハワイ文化講座
8月28日にEPICで2時間のハワイ文化講座がありました。私たちが愛媛での活動のベースとしているエピックで、私たちのハワイを紹介する重要なイベントの一つであった。イベントはEPICであった。二時間のイベントでした。愛媛の人たちがハワイの陸と海について学ぶいい機会になったと思います。セミナーには、様々な年齢層の方々が約30人が集まりました。多くの人は、アロハシャツとハワイっぽいものを身に着けていた。セミナーの間、参加者の皆さんは、プレゼンを興味津々で聞いてくれて幸せでした。南海放送のニュース撮影のスタッフは、このセミナーを取材してくれました。私は1時間でハワイや海に関連した事柄についてプレゼンテーションをしました。セミナーのために、私たちは初めて別々でプレゼンテーションをしました。 ふつうはマイアと共同プレゼンテーションします。二人のプレゼンテーションの間には休憩があってコナコーヒーとハワイチョコレートを配りました。私はマイアの後に発表をしました。私は歌、「パーリーシェル」でプレゼンを開始することに決めた。私の歌声に合わせて、参加者の皆さんは一緒に歌ってくれた。
私のプレゼンテーションに、参加者の人たちはたくさんの質問をしてくれた。それを聞いて、みんなはハワイに多くの関心をもっていることが分かった。みんながセミナーを楽しんでくれたと思います。セミナーの最後に聴衆から多くの質問がありました! 私は日本でハワイについて共有することができて嬉しいです。多くの日本人がハワイに来てくれることを願っています。アロハ!

The long awaited Hawaiian seminar finally came on July 28th.It was one of the most important events for me as an intern because it featured us and was at our workplace.It was 2 hours long and held at EPIC.People from the community came to learn about Hawaii`s land and sea.We had a full guest list of about 30 people of various ages.  Many of them wore Aloha shirts and other Hawaiian goods.Everyone was excited and happy.Even a news crew came to film and let the prefecture know what happened.I presented about Hawaii and things related to the ocean for 1 hour.For the seminar, we presented separately for the first time, usually me and Maia do a joint presentation.  There was a short break between presentations where we gave the guests Kona coffee and Hawaii chocolate.I spoke after Maia did her presentation. I decided to start with a song, Pearly Shells.I was happy some people knew it and sang along.
During my presentation, I asked many questions and found that everyone knew a lot about Hawaii.Everyone seemed to enjoy the seminar.There were many questions from the audience at the end of the seminar!I am glad I was able to share about Hawaii in Japan.I hope many Japanese people will come to Hawaii. Aloha!


For the Hawaii seminar, Jo and I each made an hour-long presentation. I focused on volcanoes and the science and culture surrounding them, while Jo made a more general presentation on various Hawaiian culture such as music and surfing.
Although both of us had some issues playing videos, overall I think the presentation went well. There were about 30 people who attended. Several of them had been to Hawaii before, and many people surprised me by speaking extremely good English. It was great to see everyone so enthusiastic to learn more about Hawaii!

■7月22日 道後保育園
道後保育園で5歳児のクラスといろいろなことをしました。子供達に「Go, Dog, Go」という本を読んで、ABCの歌を歌って、数えゲームをして、フラを踊りました。子供達はABCや123をもう習っていたので、復習になりました。子供達はよく覚えていました!思ったより早く終わったので、何かをしなければならなかったです。準備していなかったので、最善の発表ではなかったです。しかし、子供達が楽しんでいたので、それが一番大切なことだと思いました。

We went to Dogo Hoikuen and did some activities with the 5-year-olds class. We read them a little bit of the book “Go, Dog, Go”, did ABCs and counting, and taught them a little bit of hula. The kids had already learned things like letters, numbers, and colors, so we were doing more of a review than teaching, but I was still surprised at how well they remembered what they had learned. Things went quicker than we were expecting, so we improvised by adding in a couple activities we hadn’t planned on, like the counting game and two hulas instead of one. It wasn’t our best performance, since we hadn’t practiced or prepared for the activities that we added in on the spot, but the children seemed to have fun which was the most important thing.

■7月20日 国際交流チャレンジ講座

We went to MIC to teach a group of 30 people how to make Hawaiian, Chinese, and Korean food. Participants were split into three groups, and each group would go to a different table and learn one of the three recipes, eat the food they made, and then rotate to the next group. Since the Korean and Chinese foods were more like meals, for Hawaiian food we decided to do drinks (POG juice) and snacks (hurricane popcorn). We also did a true-false game at the end with a few questions about each of the three places we were focused on.

■7月3日 ハワイアンフェア in 三越

The Gintengai in Matsuyama is a large outdoor covered shopping area.It is the location of Mitsukoshi,a department store.Mitsukoshi was having a Hawaiian fair, with Hawaiian goods and entertainment.On July 3rd, we were scheduled to present for about an hour from 1:30 pm.It was our first time in a very public place.We decided to play a quiz game and play a few songs.I was nervous about audience participation and being on stage.Luckily,the announcer was very kind and the EPIC staff was also very supportive.Many of our coworkers came to help at the event and cheer.When we got up on stage we said 「aloha」,and introduced ourselves.We did the quiz and then 2 songs.I was a bit shy because I had to play ukulele.In the end,everyone seemed to enjoy the event and gave applause. After the event,I became Facebook friends with the Mitsukoshi announcer! She uploaded a nice picture of us.

発表では、ジョーと私が松山でしたことについて会話をしました。それから、〇×ゲームをしました。ハワイについて問題を出して、お客さんが〇か×か決めて、手で〇か×の形を作りました。最後に、私達は「Pearly Shells」と「アロハオエ」を歌いました。

Mitsukoshi was having a Hawaiian Fair and so were asked to make a short presentation. We were on a short stage and there were a few benches in front for the audience. There were also people wandering around nearby looking at and buying Hawaiian goods that were being sold. For our presentation, we did a short introduction in which Jo and I had a conversation together talking about things we had done in Matsuyama. Then we played a true-false game with the audience. We would say a fact about Hawaii and the audience would make either a circle or an x with their hands. At the end we sang two songs – “Pearly Shells” and “Aloha Oe”

■6月29日 ハワイ料理教室 in 四国中央市
たくさんのトンネルを抜けて、私たちは四国中央市の保健センターに向かいました。 6月29日のこのイベントは、「ハワイの料理」でした!たくさんの地元の人たちが、クッキングを楽しもうと参加してくれた。四国中央市のスタッフは、素晴らしかった。ちゃんと案内看板準備があった。ハワイの料理イベントは二階で開催する案内板が準備されていた。二階に上がるとハワイの音楽が耳に入ってきた。私たちは、調理室で、食材を準備し、所定の位置にすべての必要なものを用意しておくために早目に到着したのだ。松山市からのドライブのせいで私は少し車に酔っていた。しかし、参加者のエネルギーで元気を取り戻し、ハワイ料理を一緒につくることができた!各グループには、順調に料理していった。一緒に私たちも懸命に働いた。皆さんは熱心に耳を傾け、必要なときに質問をしました。各メニューを順番に作っていった。全員が一緒に食べることが出来るように最後のグループ終了するまで待った。すべて作り終わったとき、みんなで「いただきます」と叫んだ!出来上がった料理は、ハワイで食べるのと同じようにおいしかったです。誰もが素晴らしい時間を持てた。みんなが喜んで参加したイベントになった。大成功だ。

We went through many short tunnels and along the road next to the shore to reach Shikokucho Health Center.The big event planned for day,June 29,was Hawaii Cooking!People came from around town to enjoy a cooking lesson from your truly and my partner Maia.We entered the building not sure where to go, however,the Shukokucho staff were amazing they had a sign ready directing up the stairs.Then as we climbed the stairs we could hear Hawaiian music,it was then we knew we were at the right place!We arrived early to prepare the ingredients and set everything in place.It was our first time to do a full menu of food.The ride over from Matsuyama made me a little car sick. However,with the growing energy from the guests,I was able to regain my strength and present Hawaii`s cuisine! Each group assembled nicely,and worked hard together.They listened intently and asked questions when they needed. Each menu item came together one by one and a nice array of food was assembled.Everyone waited for the other groups to finish so that we could eat together.When all was finished,I praised the groups then yelled, “ittadakimasu”!The food was delicious,just like that you would find in Hawaii.Everyone had an amazing time and everyone appreciated each others company.The event was a success.


We went to Shikokuchuo to help a group of about 30-40 people learn how to make a couple Hawaiian dishes. We had the group make lomi lomi salmon, spam musubi, and hurricane popcorn. We also served haupia and handed out a recipe, but due to time constraints, we made it ahead of time instead of having the group make it.
Trying to instruct 6 different groups was difficult and a little disorganized at first. However, it got easier once we were able to do a demonstration of how to make the musubi. The people at Shikokuchuo also helped us out immensely by doing a lot of the preparation (buying groceries, making the haupia, and cutting vegetables) ahead of time!

■6月19、20日 松山大学

On June 19th and 20th, we went to Matsuyama University.The buildings were very old.I learned that the university was 90 years old.We taught two classes the first day and one the next.The first class was with professor Taki.The other classes were with professor Jay. In each class we gave a presentation about Hawaii.We allowed the students to choose topics about Hawaii.In the first class also gave a presentation about Japan.In the next class we played a gesture game.The students from the last class prepared a special entrance for us as we entered.They created an arch with their hands and cheered us through.They also wrote our names on the blackboard.All the classes were very nice.Everyone did there best!I am glad that the students were friendly and considerate.


We went to Matsuyama University to give presentations to two Hawaiian Studies classes, and one International Communications class. The classes were taught in English, so the students were able to understand and speak pretty well. Instead of having a set presentation, we made a list of topics and let the students choose which ones they wanted to hear about. The classes all ended up selecting similar things like food, music, dance, and clothing. The first Hawaiian Studies class was extremely lively, while the other two classes were a little more quiet and serious. However, all of the students participated in singing and learning hula, which they seemed to really enjoy even though we really only focused on the hand movements. The first Hawaiian Studies class had also prepared some short games and activities for us to participate in. We learned some dialect from the area, and played a taste game where you try to guess what food you’re eating.

■6月18、21日 付属高校

We went to Fuzoku expecting to be guests there to listen to the students’ English presentations. The teacher asked us however if after the students made their presentations, if we would be able to make one on Hawaii as well. We hadn’t prepared anything, but luckily I had the USB drive with our past presentations on it, so we were able to use those. It was also fun to listen to the students talk about Japan. They hadn’t been taking the class for very long and seemed very nervous, but I thought that despite that they did very well.
We went back to Fuzoku a second time to listen to presentations put together by the English Club. One or two of the students in the club were students we’d seen in the class few days before. The students talked about Japanese culture and different places to go sightseeing in Japan. At the end, we did a little bit of hula with the students. One of the girls in the club had taken hula and came up and danced the Hukilau with us. She was very good!

■6月13、17、27日 附属小学校

We went to a national elementary school near the EPIC center.The students at this school were very smart and kind. At first we had the chance to talk to 3 of the students.They served us tea and a snack!I showed them how to play ukulele.They learned quickly.
After,they lead us to the gym and we did our presentation about Hawaii.We taught the kids the hula Pearly Shells.At the end,we played a game of sharks and fish.It was a very fun day! The students made some comments about the whole experience,and said very thoughtful feelings.I am looking forward to going to this school again.


The other day on June 17,we went to Fuzoku Elementary school.We were greeted by some teachers.We went to three classes.For the first class,we made a volcano made of clay and showed an eruption to the students.It was very exciting to teach them because we could show them a classic American science experiment.In the other classes we played a gesture game.It was interesting to see how the teacher got the students involved in using English.I also hope to be an English teacher one day!


We visited Fuzoku Elementary School several times: the first time we presented to a group of about 100 4th-grade students. Because the number of students was so large, we ended up holding the presentation in the gym. The computer we were using was very slow, but once we got everything working, the presentation went very well. We also did a simple hula with the kids and played a game of tag which the kids really enjoyed. In the end, we sang “Aloha Oe” in Japanese, and then had the kids sing along with us the second time. I was really impressed at how after only one listen, the kids were able to get the tune and sing along!
Our second visit was to make short presentations to three classes of 5th graders. In the first class, we did a volcano demonstration. Although we hadn’t had time to create a realistic-looking volcano, the demonstration went well enough and the kids seemed really into it. With the other classes, we participated in a game of charades which they were using to help learn the English phrase “I like ____.”
We were invited back to the school a third time, not to teach, but instead as guests. We ate lunch with the kids and then played with them at recess. I went through the student-made haunted house with several of the kids. It seems to be a very popular recess activity, so if you don’t get there early, the line is very long! Afterwards, the students made presentations in English for us. They covered a lot of different topics and I actually learned a lot!

■6月12日 宇和島水産高等学校、宇和島南中等教育学校

The long awaited day to go to the school from which the Ehime Maru came finally came on June 12.It was a hot sunny day.We took the long drive down the highway to Uwajima.After entering Uwajima, we saw Uwajima Suisan High School near the ocean.The school seemed small, but they gave us a nice room to use for our presentation.The room had old pictures of Uwajima and even a Hawaiian flag posted up.A class of 23 students entered the room for the lesson.We were also being tapped for the news!
The students were mostly boys.They listened and participated to our presentation.I talked about the ocean and fish.I taught the class how to play a fishing game using magnets and paper fish.The students did a good job making fish; many looked like the real fish in Hawaii.After the students made paper fish we had a competition to see which group of boys could catch the most.It was very fun to watch the students,I think they had fun.They particularly enjoyed the Hurricane popcorn that we made together at the end of the lesson.I was glad they could appreciate things that Hawaii and Japan love, fishing and food!
After we went to Suisan high School, we went to Uwajima Minami Middle School. I was impressed to see students practicing kendo in one of the buildings as we entered the school.We walked up the stairs and through the halls to meet the students.The classroom was amazing.They had it decorated with paper rings and streamers.We taught them the 「Huki Lau」Hula.Then the students gave a presentation about school life.I was happy the students were so kind.


Our very first school presentation took place at Uwajima Suisan High School. When we first arrived, we went to see the Ehime Maru memorial. We had seen the one in Hawaii before leaving, and it was very moving to see the counterpart at Suisan. We brought flowers to place at the memorial and had a moment of silence in memory of the victims.
Afterwards, we made our presentation about Hawaii to a class of second-year students. After the presentation, we had the students make and cut out paper fish and then played a fishing game. Some of the students seemed to get really into it!
Since it was our first presentation, however, we found that things took longer than we anticipated, and we ran short on time. However, I think it was a good experience and am very glad to have had the chance to visit this school.
In the afternoon, we made a second presentation at Uwajima Minami Middle School. The class was very energetic, and I was impressed by the amount of English they were able to use and understand. They had even prepared a short quiz for us about Japanese culture, and showed us a video introducing their school. We ended by teaching them the Hukilau. Even though there wasn’t a lot of space for them to move, they seemed very enthusiastic.

■5月22日 知事表敬訪問
愛媛ポンジュースを飲みながら知事と話しました。美味しかった。普通はお茶なのに、ポンジュースをいただいた事にとてもびっくりしました。そして、知事から”さくらひめ”という花をいただきました。知事は花の説明もしてくれました。 最初花の名前を聞いた時、私は桜の花だと思ったのですが桜ではないこと教えてくれました。とても綺麗でした。 いつかまた知事に会いたいな。

I went to the Prefectural Office the day after I arrived in Matsuyama.  The buildings were very big and busy. I saw some construction going on from a window。I could see an annex to the building,it was going through renovation for earthquake resistance.I was impressed to see that even Ehime was protecting its buildings.On the walls inside the office, were many posters advertizing Ehime specialties.
After looking at the posters,I found many interesting things.For example, I saw Shimanami Kaido Cycling and Ehime oranges.I want to try many new things while I am here.
Then I met with the cool young governor.He welcomed us to Ehime.He was very nice.It was my first time to hand out my business card.I didn’t know how to do it and gave it to him sitting. He didn’t get mad、instead he showed me the proper way of giving it,which is while standing.After that we practiced together.His staff served us Ehime orange juice,it was delicious.I was surprised they served orange juice instead of the normal green tea.Then he gave me some flowers called `Sakura Hime`.He also explained about the flower.When I first hear the flower’s name I thought it was a cherry blossom, but its not! Still they were very beautiful.I hope to see them again somewhere!


The day after arriving in Ehime, we took a trip to the prefectural office. We had the opportunity to meet many of the officials there, including the governor of Ehime, Governor Nakamura. The governor was very busy of course, but we were able to visit with him for a short time. He was very friendly and made us feel very welcome in Ehime!
During several of our visits, we were given refreshments – usually tea. During our time with the governor, however, we were served Pon Juice. This is essentially orange juice, but to me it tastes sweeter and more flavourful than orange juice found in America. Additionally, since Matsuyama is known for their mikan (satsuma) oranges, this drink seems to be very much enjoyed here.

              2013年ハワイサマーインターン生 マイア・シンガル


Hello! My name is Maia Singhal, and I currently attend University of Hawaii at Manoa. I am getting a masters in Asian Studies with a focus on Japan. As a graduate student, I am very busy, but in my spare time I enjoy watching movies, playing the flute, and baking.
There are four people in my family: my father, mother, older sister, and myself. My mother is American, and my father is Indian. I was born on the east coast in New Jersey. When I was 7, my family moved to California where I have lived ever since. My hometown in California is about 20 minutes south of San Francisco, and is very ethnically diverse. I think that my own background as well as growing up in this diverse environment has strongly influenced my interest in different cultures.
I first became interested in Japanese in high school when I saw "Spirited Away". It was my first time hearing the Japanese language and I thought that it was very beautiful. Unfortunately, my high school did not offer any Japanese classes, so I began studying the language my first year of college.
Because of my interest in Japan, I went to Hawaii for graduate school, and so far have spent one school year there. It was my first time in Hawaii, and I am still learning about the Hawaiian culture myself. However, I look forward to sharing my enthusiasm for learning about other cultures with the people of Ehime!

      2013年ハワイサマーインターン生 ジョセフ・ディビッド・ピータース

アロハ!私は、ピータース・ジョセフと申します。ハワイ州のオアフ島から参りました。ハワイ大学の第二言語の修士課程の二年生です。将来は英語教員になりたいです。私は日本が大好きやけん、愛媛県にいる間楽しみたいです。愛媛でハワイの事を教えて, 日本の文化も学びたいと思います。

Aloha! My name is Joseph Peters.I am from the island oh Oahu in Hawaii.I am a student。I am a second year graduate student, studying Second Language Studies at University of Hawaii Manoa. In the future, I want to become an English teacher. I really like Japan. I look forward to my adventures in Ehime!In Ehime, I hope to share about Hawaii and learn about Japan!
I was born and raised in Hawaii.My hobbies are ping pong, surfing, and video games. However, when I was a kid I liked ninja, samurai, and anime. I often imitated what I saw.
In university, I often watched Japanese dramas.I liked Waterboys and GTO.I think drama OST`s are really good. At karaoke, I songs from dramas!
I am Portuguese, Japanese, and Okinawan.I am a 4th generation Japanese American.I can do a little Okinawan Eisa and Sanshin!
In Ehime, I hope to enjoy the beauty of nature. I plan to be very active and meet many new friends!

■7月26日 SGGセミナー

  On this day we were invited back to interact with the members of the SGG. Today was a very nice experience because they split up into groups and had a free-talk session where people could ask questions about whatever theme they desired to know/hear more about. I really enjoyed this activity! We talked about things from my personal family to the economy of Hawaii and everyone was very receptive! I am very thankful for their invitation to this event.

■7月25日 世界の料理チャレンジ講座 in 宇和島

  We had the opportunity to teach a few willing students in Uwajima of varying ages how to make SPAM musubi as well as hurricane popcorn which are very popular snacks in Hawaii.
  Along with our dishes, dishes of the Philippines, Korea, and China were also demonstrated and partaken. There was a lot of laughter and good spirits throughout the day, topped off with a full stomach.
  The class was very enjoyable! I am very thankful for all who participated.
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